Ideal Cee and Zed which are high strength zinc coated steel to be applied as secondary structural frames, roof and wall supports that are efficient, lightweight and economical.
Ideal Cee Purlin cannot be used in stacks but is suitable for edge frame structures that have advantages in terms of strength, aesthetics and detail.
Ideal Cee Purlin cannot be used in stacks but is suitable for edge frame structures that have advantages in terms of strength, aesthetics and detail.
IDEAL C Purlin
Material Specification
IDEAL Cee and Zed are roll-formed from galvanized steel in accordance with AS1397 – 2001, in the grades indicated, prefixed with G indicating the minimum yield stress in MPa, and numbers beginning with Z indicating the minimum layer mass in g/m².
Standard Steel Thickness
BMT (mm) Grade Coating Class
1,00 G450 Z275
1,20 G450 Z275
1,50 G450 Z275
1,90 G450 Z275
2,40 G450 Z275
3,00 G450 Z275
3,20 G450 Z275
Benefits of Purlin C Profile
- Lip stiffeners provide significantly increased strength compared to no lip stiffeners.
- More aesthetic for purposes in open applications such as canopy, etc. The shape is captured similar to a box, tubular shape or solid form.
- Certain details are simple with a Chick profile, such as listplank/roofing, purlins for gutter installation, roof edging, back-to-back or lip-to-lip (“I” or “Square”) construction.
- Stability during construction is a benefit in flat applications such as flooring.
Max Length
12 meter
IDEAL Z Purlin
Material Specification
IDEAL Cee and Zed are roll-formed from galvanized steel in accordance with AS1397 – 2001, in the grades indicated, prefixed with G indicating the minimum yield stress in MPa, and numbers beginning with Z indicating the minimum layer mass in g/m².
Standard Steel Thickness
BMT (mm) Grade Coating Class
1,00 G450 Z275
1,20 G450 Z275
1,50 G450 Z275
1,90 G450 Z275
2,40 G450 Z275
3,00 G450 Z275
3,20 G450 Z275
Benefits of Purlin C Profile
- Lip stiffener provides significantly increased strength compared to no lip stiffener.
- Lapping capability results in greater performance (strength and deflection) and economic design. Continuous and double thickness of the material at the required location (in the support area) results in more available performance when used in multi-span configurations. So there is considerable economic benefit to be made. Variable thicknesses can also be designed at each joint to allow for more economy.
- Zed profiles can be compacted and multiple, which can reduce bundle yield volume, lower transportation costs, lower handling costs and reduce handling time.
Max Length
12 meter
(021) 2605 1194 , (021) 2605 1334
Operational hour
Monday – Thursday : 08.00 – 17.00
Friday: 08.00 – 17.30